Saturday, August 6, 2011

Everything is Everything

Have you ever asked yourself
how you spend your time?

What makes up your day?

Do you even have a plan on
how to execute your goals,
dreams, and wishes?

Or do you just wait...

Or even you waste your time with sleep and pleasure and foolishness like the sluggard in Proverbs?

You see, everything you do creates the purpose in your life. Everything is everything. What I mean is that whatever you do, you are creating the next opportunity in your life. The "reap what you sow" philosophy applies in that when you sow foolishness you reap foolishness. When you sow into bad relationships, bad friendships, bad choices, bad jobs, and bad habits, you produce more of those things.

If your goal is to simply exist and make "the best" of your current situation, you aren't really living. You are existing. You know what else simply "exists"?




Kim Kardashian.

I could go on.

They serve some purpose, but in reality, they aren't living. They are simply here.

That's right. I just compared Kim Kardashian to carrots, spoons, and rocks. 

And before you get upset at me because you actually see value in rocks, carrots, and spoons, let me explain in greater detail what I mean.

People were never meant to simply exist. Everything on this planet was given to man to take care of. In fact, we are not really supposed to be concerned with ourselves, but with the well being of others. (Philippians 2:3) 

This is why the story of Noah is so awesome. God gets weary of mankind and decides to start over with Noah and his family. Why? Here's why...

The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6And the LORD was sorry that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart. 7So the LORD said, "I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, man and animals and creeping things and birds of the heavens, for I am sorry that I have made them." (Genesis 6:5-7)

Man was never meant to just be. We are supposed to do good and be good. God saw that evil was destroying man's potential, and that man had become his own worst enemy, so God eliminated those who weren't making life better and kept one man and his family who were.

Ask yourself this question. Be honest. If you were alive in Noah's time, would God have had you board the ark?

Or are you just waisting everyone's time?


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