Friday, August 5, 2011

Sometimes I just want to...

I once made a joke to a friend about a friend who caused non stop chaos everywhere she went. I said, "Well you know, life isn't for everyone." That got a good "shock" laugh. 

Not that I wanted her to die. It's just that life can be very hard and things don't always go as planned. And some people can't handle it.

Part of the problem is that everyone has an agenda for you. Your mom. Your dad. Your boss. Your friends. Your wife. Your husband. Your co-workers. Your family. Your dog. Everyone has this agenda that they want you to follow. Because it will make their life easier.

But what about you? Is that you were made for? For other people's comfort?

It's so funny how people will ask you to follow them into the dark, but you ask them to follow you in the light, and suddenly you're the jerk and they don't have time. It's as if they know all the demands they put on others and the stress it causes and they don't want to become what they require of others.

Listen, I believe in helping people, but I don't believe in being people's puppets. There is a difference and wisdom is needed to discern.

Not that other people's agenda for you is always bad. It's just...people suck sometimes. They don't really think about anyone but themselves, and in their arrogance they believe they know how to live your life better than you. And when they believe you are the ticket to their dreams, they will exploit you until the sun has set. 

Of course, what do you do? You can't stop being part of this great experiment known as life.

Sometimes I think about just sailing away. Buying a boat and going anywhere I want. Because then no one would be able to force their agenda on me, whether it be positive or negative.    

Of course I'd have to learn how to handle a boat. And I'd have to be able to buy a boat. And that ain't happening soon. But the idea of just sailing away sounds amazing.

Me vs. Nature. Fighting the current. Searching for places across the Pacific. Just sail away.


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