Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Life in Reverse

I'm going through a huge transitional period right now.

I'm leaving corporate America as a marketing/sales guy at ITT Technical Institute and am going back into teaching.

In fact, next week I'll be going to
an AP English clinic to
learn how to be a better
teacher before the Fall semester starts.

I also got an amazing opportunity
teaching at the college level
for Eternity Bible College in
Simi Valley, CA.

Looks like I'm going to be
able to use that Masters in
English after all.

But as I approach 30 and watch my life go forward, my temptation is to make sense of it in reverse.

Ironically, that's how we actually do make sense of our lives, right? In the moment of living we aren't sure what's happening. We just sort of live it. Then we reach the breaking point or 'the end' of a situation and try to rationalize it through self analysis. We are convinced that best way to figure out where we are headed is to look at where we've been.

But then I come across Luke 9:62
Jesus replied, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”

So maybe looking at life in reverse isn't the best way. Maybe life is meant to be lived forward and the past is simply that. What a wonderful philosophy, no? How freeing. We don't have to live in regret. We don't have to think our best days are behind us. We don't have to wonder if anyone noticed. We just simply move on.

How often we try to make sense of everything. Then we apply external meaning to an internal conflict. When in fact, maybe there was no particular reason for what happened in our past, with the exception being that it happened because God willed it, and we will never understand why. So while living life, try not to look back and ask "why?" but instead to move ahead and ask "what now?"

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