Sunday, August 7, 2011

To Be or Not to Be...

After a week of no Facebook I've had a few interesting encounters.

First, I've gotten some support via email from people I haven't talked to in a while. So that means my "experiment" worked in some sort of theory.

Second, I've found out most people LOVE their Facebook and don't ever want to give it up.

Third, I've really enjoyed not knowing what's going on all the time. It's given me a lot of time to do other things I've been neglecting.

So where do I go now?

Well, in a dream world I'd snap the cell phone.

That's right. I think I want to go email only. That's primarily because my editor requires an emailed copy of my articles, and I suppose there must some way to get in contact with me.

Here's the thing. I text and others don't text back or they text back 10 hours later. They call and I'm too busy to pick up. Or they text and I don't know what in the freakin' world to write back. Or they call and I don't want to talk. Am I allowed to not want to talk or text or respond? Maybe I'm tired. Maybe I'm reading my Bible. Maybe I'm at a movie. Maybe I'm listening to Van Morrison or Cat Stevens.

Now, what if someone wanted to get in touch with me then? works still.

My life is filled with so many things already. And if I choose to spend my time with you, you should feel honored to know that instead of doing nothing, I'd rather be with you.

Here are things I'm already committed to:
Bible study at the retirement home, writing articles, teaching at Eternity Bible College, Wednesday night dinners with my buddy and wrestlers, Community/Men's Group on Thursdays, football games or wrestling duals, Sunday school, ushering, church, and Sunday dinner with friends. That's not including work.

In between is my Doctor Conkey's sit on my stool and rant and rave time, Panera Bread writing time, gym time, short film making time, short film writing time, blogging, reading, cigar and tobacco pipe time, watching movies, personal Bible study time, and sleep. That's not including breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Then there is just talking, meeting, and problem solving with friends and family.
So here's the deal I made with myself and my buddy Landon...if I ever make a lot of money or win some ridiculous lottery prize, I'm getting rid of the cell. I really wouldn't mind it. It would be such a relief.

My theory is if I'm really rich, most people would search me out and find me eventually. Or if you really wanted to hang, we'd make it happen.

In fact, scratch the rich part. Maybe I'll get rid of the cell in 2012.


That sounds awesome.

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